A Rubik's cube consists of 26 pieces. Following are the types of pieces:
1. Corner pieces
2. Edge pieces
3. Centre pieces
A cube comprises of 8 corner pieces. They have three colored faces. A corner can only be swapped with another corner piece. It is impossible to swap a corner with an edge or a centre piece.
There are 12 edge pieces in a cube. They have two colored faces. An edge can only be swapped with any other edge piece. You cannot move an edge to a corner's or a centre's position.
A rubik's cube has 6 faces and 6 centres embedded in each face. They have only one colored face. Centre pieces denote the color of a particular face/side/layer. A centre can only be swapped with any other centre piece on the cube.
1. Corner pieces

3. Centre pieces
A cube comprises of 8 corner pieces. They have three colored faces. A corner can only be swapped with another corner piece. It is impossible to swap a corner with an edge or a centre piece.
There are 12 edge pieces in a cube. They have two colored faces. An edge can only be swapped with any other edge piece. You cannot move an edge to a corner's or a centre's position.
A rubik's cube has 6 faces and 6 centres embedded in each face. They have only one colored face. Centre pieces denote the color of a particular face/side/layer. A centre can only be swapped with any other centre piece on the cube.